Sunday, November 14, 2010

Three Words: One Month, Already?

I can hardly believe that it's been a month since I last posted.  So much has happened!  I just finished week 7 of my teacher training program.  We've covered anatomy, learned about the chakra system, broke down more poses and adjustments and have now turned in 4 different sequences.  I'm also just 7 hours shy of my 40 hours of additional class obligations.  I'm exhausted just thinking about all of this!

I've also noticed that I've started to change.  Physically, I've changed.  My hamstrings and hips are more open.  My legs and triceps are stronger.  But more importantly, I think I've started to change mentally, emotionally.  I still deal with lots of judgement, control issues.  But some of that seems to be melting away. I've noticed it at work and with my personal relationships.  Part of it is that I also just don't have time to deal with anything extraneous that causes stress.

I'm also starting to get sad that the YTT is coming to an end.  Last week I thought that the program couldn't end fast enough and now I want it to last longer.  Ahhh....that's the Libra in me.

So in one month, I'll be finished and I can't wait to see if I've changed even more.

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